Watchmen of Nebraska

We are a Civil Preparedness group, helping our fellow citizens and neighbors during crisis or disasters. We are affiliated with Watchmen of America. First and foremost we are your average American citizen, just we have pride and express it. We are your doctors, lawyers, your cops, firemen, and EMT in your local community. We are your citizen soldiers who serve one weekend a month. We are your dad and moms friends, we are American Citizens. We have come together as a group united by our moral beliefs, and our loyalty to our Constitution and state.
We live by and support what the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights decrees.

We are a group of citizens that have come together with the same mindset of being prepared for the worst-case scenarios that could fall upon us, whether it is a manmade disaster, natural disaster, or an economic collapse. Together as a group we stand a much higher chance of survival and rebuilding our local communities.


Watchmen of Maine

Watchmen of Pennsylvania