Central Oklahoma Militia
It is the goal of a militia to protect our neighbors, provide relief education and help our neighbors rebuild. If you are Interested in joining a Militia group we urge you to be proactive and insure that you are not joining a hate group or anarchist group that may call themselves a militia.
Citizens for a Better Government
Local community sponsored information gathering and sharing group meets for Fun, Food, and Fellowship in Gainesville, Florida homepage
Colorado Gun Group
This group was made so a free people can come together, share ideas and promote liberty and The Second Amendment. Without liberty we have tyranny and without gun rights we have no liberty. Facebook page
Connecticut 51st Militia
We are a constitutional militia. Our goal is to protect individual freedom and to insure that citizens constitutional rights are not infringed. People in todays society must realize that our “freedom” is slipping away quite quickly and if “We the people” don’t stop the erosion it will be too late. If we want to win “we” must understand where the core of the problem truly lies.
Connecticut Survivalist Alliance
The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA) is an all volunteer group dedicated to the Constitutional Republic and the rights declared by our founding fathers, granted to us by God above, and penned in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Constitutional Defenders of Oklahoma III%
You have “Rights”. Our government has been, and continues to encroach on your Rights. They have made you believe that your Rights are merely “Privileges”.
Constitutional Militia of California
CMC (Constitutional Militia of California) is a group of concerned citizens who reside in the Riverside County area of California who regularly train together. We are not a criminal element and do not engage in racist activities. If you are concerned about the direction our State/Country are headed in, can spare some time to train, then please contact us. We are a new militia group actively seeking new members.
Delta 5
We are a group of citizens (many are veterans) that are interested in protecting our American way of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness through the preservation of the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of Michigan. We are not a bunch of crazies running around worried that the sky is falling. We are your average Joe Citizen. homepage
East Tennessee Constitutional Civilian Militia
A Constitutional Civilian Militia is granted to us by the US Constitution and mentioned also in the 2nd amendment with the right to own and bear arms and to form a well regulated militia. This was set forth by our founders with the knowledge that too large of a Government is too powerful and too overstepping in their authority, all in the guise of keeping us safe. Well I ask this question “WHO WILL KEEP US SAFE FROM THEM?…more
East Texas Militia (Recon Team)
An organized militia based out of east Texas. We are a non-traditional style of militia specializing in sniper style tactics & training, along with minimalistic survival techniques. Facebook