Arizona State Militia
Everyone is welcome regardless of race, gender, color, religion, or political affiliation, provided you do not wish to bring harm to our country or citizens. We are here to promote, support and maintain a free and Constitutional Government. The Militia is a military force composed of ordinary citizens to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service, in times of emergency. The militia is not paid a regular salary or committed to a fixed term of service.…more
Arkansas Militia
To keep the constitution safe as well as the bill of rights.
B Company Militia of South Carolina
Being in this group says that u will protect the week and stand up against all wrong and evil, and will protect and defend the constitution of the united states if the time shall arise.
Battalion 19 Indiana Sedntary Milita
The ISM is a public service group comprised of upstanding, law-abiding patriots. We have no affiliation with, nor do we promote or encourage, any subversive or quasi-subversive entities or acts against the United States of America or against the American People, inside or outside of U.S. borders. Any and all instruction and training is done in strict accordance with Federal, State and Local Laws and regulations. Our group does not and will not associate with – or train – any foreign or domestic entity(ies) that could pose a threat to, or has denounced, the United States of America.…more
California Militia
We seek to defend the 2nd Amendment rights of California’s citizens.
California State Militia
The California State Militia is dedicated to protecting the Constitution of the United States and the State of California. Our mission is to connect like minded individuals and get involved in issues at the local level.
Capitol City Militia
A well-armed citizenry is the best form of Homeland Security and can better deter crime, invasion, terrorism, and tyranny.
Central Alaska Militia
The Central Alaska Militia’s main mission is to advocate for peaceful, non-violent resistance in defense of maintaining our natural rights and property; while at the same time preparing to protect our families, and communities and in the event circumstances call upon us to defend our Constitution from enemies both Foreign and Domestic.
Central Arkansas Militia
The Central Arkansas Militia is primarily a group of Arkansas citizens who are sworn to uphold the law and protect the constitutional rights of local citizens. We gather to learn survival skills in the event of societal breakdown and discuss options on protecting our families.
Central Iowa Anti Zombie Milita
Protecting Central Iowa from zombie outbreaks. We exist to step in where current government agencies fail in keeping us safe from the zombie threat. We also take a role in politics to lobby and ensure that zombies never get special rights as living citizens. Faccebook page