75th Ohio Milita Regiment
We are the 75th Ohio Militia Regiment and we are here to protect and defend both The U.S. Constitution and Ohio Constitution. We are here to protect our State from any and all enemies foreign and domestic and to resist tyranny and all of it’s forms. We strongly believe in our right to bear arms.We offer membership to all citizen’s of the State of Ohio between the ages of 17 to 67 who are fit for service in the unorganized militia.…more
7th Tennessee Dragoons
We believe in a Constitutional Republic form of Government as originally outlined by the Constitution of the United States of America. We are made up of every race. Many groups that are racist and militant have associated themselves with the Militia. This is a wrong assumption, as they are just racist, militant groups that have nothing to do with the Militia, and should not be related to the Militia in any way.…more
Alabama Constitutional Militia
We are what our forefathers envisioned; strong-willed, and self-reliant. We are the legacy they fought to build. We are not anti-government, we are anti-corruption. We are not anti-immigrant, we are pro-citizenship. We are not separatists, we are constitutionalists. We know our history and revere it. We love our country and fear for it. We are your mechanics, and your insurance agents, your police and your firefighters. We are your neighbors.…more
Alabama State Militia
Honorary Officers of the Alabama State Militia by appointments of the Governor of The State of Alabama. Seeking to recognize those whose service has made the State an excellent place for her citizens, their families, and their businesses. Facebook page
Alaska Sentinels Militia
American Sentinels Militia is a community of American citizens committed to the preservation of the FAITH our country was founded upon, the preservation of the traditional American FAMILY, and the unwavering pursuit of FREEDOM for all Americans. This goal is not obtained through violence or hate, but through the continual education, and communication regarding the issues and concerns affecting American liberty and Constitutional rights. We are a growing Militia located in all 50 states of our Republic.…more
Alaska State Defense Force
The mission of the Alaska State Defense Force is to maintain an organized, trained military force, capable of timely and effective response to state emergencies, or, on other occasions deemed appropriate by the Governor, to provide military assistance to civil and military authorities in the preservation of life, property, and public safety. homepage
Alaskan Citizens Militia
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. To defend the Constitution of the United States of America. To uphold and to defend the Bill of Rights, seen as unalienable, given by God to free men that they may remain free. To insure that all citizens regardless of race, color, religion, sex, physical characteristics, or national origin shall have the right and opportunity to due process of law as established and guaranteed by the Great Documents which guide this Great Nation.…more
American Civil Sentinels
We are a constitutional organization. We believe in the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are the Guardians of Liberty.
Arizona Militia
We will not submit. We will not “register” our tactical fireams. We will not surrender our tactical firearms. We will be the Resistance. We aim to misbehave.
Arizona Militia of Anthem
Protecting our Homes, Family, & Friends.