3 Percenters
We stand for freedom, liberty, and the constitution. We will combat all those who are corrupt. We are America’s insurance policy. We will not see out republic fall. We are everywhere. We are the three percent. homepage Facebook Twitter
Maine Sons of Liberty
We are ordinary Americans who happen to be paying attention. We see the similarities between our nation and those that have fallen into Communism and other forms of socialism. We take it upon ourselves to be ready to defend this nation and it’s people against any threats to their Liberty or security. We will in no way, shape or form be the instigators of any type of conflict. We are here to defend against any conflicts brought to our state or it’s people, as intended by our founding fathers.…more
The Maine Militia
The Maine Militia is: For the free citizens of Maine; Civil Defense, Natural Disaster. To support and protect Citizens and their Constitutional rights. We are not racist, anti-government, anarchist, terrorists! We are responsible, law abiding Citizens. homepage
The Maine Patriots Board
Saving the republic starts here!
The Oath Keepers
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial.…more
The United Militas of Maine
A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state.
Watchmen of Maine
We, The Watchmen of Maine, are a Civilian Survival group. We are an Affiliate Group and supporters of the Watchmen of America. We are people with the same mindset of being prepared for the worst-case scenarios that could fall upon us, whether it is man-made disasters, natural disasters, or an economic collapse. Together, as a group, we learn from each other and we stand a much higher chance of survival.…more